
Hi, I am Yencis

Coder and occasional website developer.
I like to explore and have fun!

Check out my projects!

Hi, I am Yencis

I program and occasionally do web developement.
I like to learn new things and find ways to apply what I learn through fun projects. I am most proficient at Java, but I have coding experience in Python, JS, C#, HTML and CSS.

Language Distribution


My projects start from an idea of something I want to create that I may not already know how to do, such as creating a handwritten digit recognition program.

To the left is a distribution of languages in projects.


This contact form currently doesn't work (actually I just wanted to make the design, SMTP is a pain with Github because of passwords). To contact me, use the gmail address to the right. As a btw, action.php would work if the password was there.